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Wealth management evolution: embracing AI

  • September 18, 2023
  • 3 min read


  • Wealth management is rapidly evolving, with $100 trillion in investable capital predicted by 2030.
  • Global economic growth, expanding regional markets, the decline of defined-benefit pensions, and technological advancements like AI are all contributing the rapid shift.


Wealth management is evolving. Fast.

Once a niche space, its presence grew substantially following the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the strict regulatory landscape that followed in its wake. 

According to a recent piece in the Economist, consulting giant Bain & Company predicts that a massive pool of capital will emerge in the coming years. In fact, Bain expects the liquid portion of wealth assets to skyrocket from $130 trillion to nearly $230 trillion by the end of the decade.

In other words, $100 trillion of investable capital is on the table.

Wealth management: factors driving change

According to the article, changes in the space have been driven by several factors:

  • The global economy has grown by over 3% annually over the past two decades.
  • Regional markets continue to expand, with wealth growing in Asia and Latin America.
  • The decline in defined-benefit pensions means more individuals must make their own investment decisions.
  • Technological advancements, like the ascent of artificial intelligence, are accelerating a winner-takes-all trend.

    While I agree with much of the sentiment outlined in the article, it failed to mention another critical factor: monetary policy. 

Aggressive tightening persists

Central banks worldwide continue to struggle to tame inflation. In the last 18 months, the Federal Reserve has raised rates from nearly 0% to 5.5%. This represents one of the most aggressive tightening campaigns in the Fed’s history.

Now, with zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) in the rearview mirror, investors will require new and creative investment recommendations. 

Assumptions held over the past ten-plus years will be challenged. Portfolios will require progressively more sophisticated tools to deliver the best performance. 

More than that, rapidly changing market environments will demand more vigilance. Constant portfolio monitoring will be needed to take advantage of emerging opportunities. 

For traditional players, however, this will prove challenging. Generous margins could shrink, making it increasingly difficult for conventional wealth managers to offer clients the attention the current environment demands. 

Moreover, managing assets for clients with smaller net worths will only prove possible with a substantial increase in efficiency.

Adapt or perish

As a result of wealth management’s evolving landscape, technologies like AI will be table stakes. There is no way traditional managers can compete with the speed and capacity AI can deliver. Not only that, the technology continues to improve daily, widening the gap between it and old-school wealth management.

And clients are welcoming the new tech. Already, nearly 1 in 3 investors are comfortable implementing AI-derived financial advice without verification through another source, according to a recent CFP Board Consumer Sentiment Survey. If a financial planner verifies that recommendation, the number shoots up to over half (52%).   

"Nearly 1 in 3 investors are comfortable implementing AI-derived financial solutions..."

As this nascent technology improves, these figures will likely grow.

Companies that are leading AI are positioned to win in this environment. The largest wealth managers in the world know this and are trying to keep up. So far, however, they’re struggling. 

Startups like FINQ are lightyears ahead when utilizing AI for data and ranking financial products (S&P 500 stocks and American funds). We sit where others are heading. In fact, many of the future AI benefits described in the Economist piece describe FINQ’s product roadmaps, like asset allocation recommendations - to generate risk-appropriate investment solutions.

In fact, FINQ’s AI-powered tools are already ranking every financial product in the market according to their risk levels. For example, FINQFULL ranks all S&P 500 stocks and lets you see the whole picture every day anew.  With humans, this would simply be impossible. 

The rate at which the landscape is changing is difficult to appreciate. This is more than mere growth; this is a complete revolution of traditional wealth management. Only the managers who embrace AI will have a chance to succeed in this new world. 

Key takeaways

  • Wealth management has seen substantial growth since the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and is expected to continue expanding.
  • Global economic growth, expanding regional markets, the decline of defined-benefit pensions, and technological advancements such as AI, are the primary factors driving changes in wealth management.
  • Central banks' efforts to combat inflation, including aggressive interest rate hikes, will require innovative investment strategies and tools.
  • Constant portfolio monitoring will be essential in rapidly changing market environments.
  • Traditional wealth managers are struggling to  adapt as AI becomes a crucial component of efficient and effective wealth management.
  • Investors are increasingly comfortable with AI-derived financial advice, further emphasizing the importance of technology in the industry.
  • Startups like FINQ are at the forefront of AI-powered wealth management, offering innovative solutions that traditional firms are racing to match.
  • Embracing AI is crucial for success in the evolving wealth management landscape. It offers the speed, capacity, and innovation needed to thrive in this new era.
30+ years of experience in investment management and investment banking with technology and VC expertise have made Tamir a cornerstone of the investing community. Tamir is also a public figure in the financial sector, served as a judge in the local Shark Tank TV show, and is a regular panel member in the local and foreign media. Tamir is the founder and CEO of the Tamir Fishman Investment House.