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Short-selling explained: Unveiling a strategy for every investor

  • March 12, 2024
  • 7 min read
  • Discover how short-selling allows investors to profit by borrowing and selling stocks high, then buying back low.
  • Learn how selling short serves as a tool for liquidity, correcting overvalued stocks, hedging, and arbitrage.
  • While short-selling carries risks like unlimited losses and regulatory changes, it offers significant profit potential.
  • Discover FINQLAST and see how it uses AI to identify top S&P 500 stocks to short.
  • Dive deep into learning how AI enhances short-selling with better risk assessment, identifying underperformers, and adapting to market changes in real-time.

Let’s be honest: short selling has a bad reputation. The strategy is often shrouded in controversy, but its bad rap isn’t justified. The exact same logic applies to when you buy stocks and sell stocks. When you buy a stock, you believe in the business, its growth, and its success which will lead to an increase in the stock value. Conversely, what if you concluded that a certain business will not be successful, its business will shrink and therefore the stock price will fall? The same fundamental analysis can lead to two very different conclusions and therefore one can make lots of money both ways. Why ignore the opportunity to make money from stocks going south?  

Yes, the technical name of the opposite of just buying a stock is "selling short ", but it is just a technical name for the opposite of being positive about a stock.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand what short-selling is, what it entails, its risks, and its rewards. Ensure you read to the end to learn why a portfolio like FINQLAST can substantially simplify and enhance this typically complex and risky strategy. 

What is short-selling?

Let’s be honest: short selling has a bad reputation. The strategy is often shrouded in controversy, but its bad rap isn’t justified. The exact same logic applies to when you buy stocks and sell stocks. When you buy a stock, you believe in the business, its growth, and its success which will lead to an increase in the stock value. Conversely, what if you concluded that a certain business will not be successful, its business will shrink and therefore the stock price will fall? The same fundamental analysis can lead to two very different conclusions and therefore one can make lots of money both ways. Why ignore the opportunity to make money from stocks going south?

Yes, the technical name of the opposite of just buying a stock is "selling short", but it is just a technical name for the opposite of being positive about a stock.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand what short-selling is, what it entails, its risks, and its rewards. Ensure you read to the end to learn why a portfolio like FINQLAST can substantially simplify and enhance this typically complex and risky strategy.

How does short-selling work?

Short selling is a strategy used to profit off the fall in the price of an asset, usually a stock. Typically, it involves the following steps:

Short selling is a strategy used to profit off the fall in the price of an asset, usually a stock. Typically, it involves the following steps:

  1. Borrow shares: An investor borrows a stock expected to depreciate (for example you borrowed 1 stock of NVDA ($694).
  2. Sell borrowed shares: The stock is immediately sold at the current price (you get into your account $694).
  3. Repurchase shares: The stock is later repurchased, hopefully at a lower price (you buy the stock at $600).
  4. Return shares: The borrowed shares are returned to the lender.
  5. Profit: The investor profits from the difference between the sale and repurchase prices ($694-$600=$94)
While it is sometimes viewed unfavorably by the wider public, short selling plays a critical role in a healthy financial market. Selling short not only provides liquidity and aids in price discovery by correcting overvalued stocks but also opens avenues for profit in declining markets.

Historically viewed with skepticism due to its unique nature and potential for manipulation, short-selling is starting to evolve in perception. Regulatory safeguards and the democratization of market access have reframed it as a legitimate, albeit risky, strategy.

Ultimately, the ability for stocks to be sold short helps maintain market efficiency and balance.

Ultimately, the ability for stocks to be sold short helps maintain market efficiency and balance.

The strategic value of short-selling

Why investors might decide to short-sell?

  1. Overvaluation: If an investor believes a stock is overvalued and will correct to a lower price, they may short-sell to profit from the anticipated decline.
  2. Hedging: Investors holding long stock positions might short-sell to hedge against potential losses, offsetting some of their losses.
  3. Market correction and volatility: When prices are turbulent, or the market is overvalued, short-selling can capitalize on market corrections or the bearish phase of a market cycle.
  4. Arbitrage opportunities: Short-selling can be part of arbitrage strategies where an investor aims to exploit the price differences between markets or securities. For example, if the same asset trades at different prices in two markets, an investor might buy in the lower-priced market while short-selling in the higher-priced market, profiting off the difference.

Short-selling risks

  • Unlimited losses: The potential for loss is unlimited with short selling. You must repurchase borrowed shares to return to the lender, regardless of their current price. In theory, there is no limit to how high a stock's price can go, and as a result, there is no limit to how much you must pay. This contrasts with going long on a stock, where the maximum loss is your initial investment.
  • Margin calls: If the stock price rises, the short seller may face margin calls, requiring additional funds to maintain the position.
    Borrowing costs: There are costs associated with borrowing shares to short, including interest and fees, which can reduce profit or increase losses.
  • Short squeeze: A rapid increase in a stock’s price can force short sellers to buy back shares to close positions, further driving up the stock price and resulting in substantial losses. In fact, if you recall, during the stock market meme hype amid the pandemic, Redditors made headlines for trying to short-squeeze large hedge funds that were shorting names like Gamestop.
  • Dividend payments: If the shorted stock pays a dividend, the short seller is responsible for paying the dividend to the lender.
  • Regulatory risks: In some instances, governments and regulatory bodies may impose bans or restrictions on short selling during market downturns, potentially impacting strategies and outcomes.
  • Limited profit potential: While the loss potential is unlimited, the profit potential is capped. The maximum gain is capped at the initial sale price of the stock minus the cost of repurchasing it. Therefore, the profit potential is limited to the stock falling to zero.

Short-selling rewards

  • Profit from price declines: The primary reward is the potential to profit when a stock’s price declines, offering a way to capitalize on overvalued stocks or market downturns. In other words, by using shorting strategies (in addition to conventional long strategies), investors can profit regardless of the direction of the market or asset.
  • Hedging: As previously mentioned, short selling can be used to hedge against market risk.
  • High return potential: In scenarios where the investor accurately predicts a significant price drop, short selling can yield high returns relative to the initial investment, especially if leverage is used.
  • Market efficiency: Short sellers can contribute to market efficiency by identifying and correcting overpriced stocks, thus bringing their prices more in line with their fundamentals.

FINQLAST offers a data-driven approach to short-selling, surpassing traditional methods.

Introducing FINQLAST

FINQLAST is a component of FINQ’s financial analysis arsenal, targeting stocks primed for short-selling by leveraging advanced AI. This tool ranks the bottom ten stocks from the S&P 500, updated daily, to identify the best short-selling opportunities.

By assessing a blend of market data, sentiment, and trends, FINQLAST offers a data-driven approach to short-selling, surpassing traditional methods. 

FINQLAST returns since inception as of March 08, 2024

Since its inception in August 2022, the FINQLAST portfolio has significantly outperformed the broad market. FINQLAST has returned 8.34%, compared to the S&P 500 Short benchmark’s -22.41%. 

In other words, FINQLAST has outperformed the benchmark by ~31% since its inception!

How FINQLAST enhances short-selling decisions

FINQFULL employs advanced AI to continuously update rankings of S&P 500 stocks.

FINQ's STOCKS-AI, highlighted by its FINQFULL system, advances investment analytics by aggregating and analyzing data across three key criterias: 'Crowd Wisdom', 'Professional Wisdom', and 'Fundamentals'. This AI-driven platform transforms diverse data into a navigable big data warehouse, emphasizing critical insights and financial product evaluations. A standout feature, FINQFULL offers dynamic, daily updated S&P stock rankings. From this robust analysis, FINQ derives FINQLAST, a portfolio strategy focusing on identifying the TEN bottom-ranked stocks for strategic short-selling opportunities, offering investors a clear advantage in market navigation.

Let’s take a look at a real example from the platform. 

FINQLAST DVA short-sell transaction

On August 24, the FINQLAST portfolio initiated a short sale of 84.89 shares of Davita Inc. (DVA) at an average price of $101.06 per share. 

DVA stock's FINQ rank breakdown

At the time, the stock was one of the lowest-ranked FINQ names, with a poor professional wisdom score, a mediocre crowd wisdom score, and an abysmal fundamentals grade. This grading triggered the trade to sell DVA short. 

FINQLAST DVA close short transaction

Less than two months later, FINQLAST closed the position (repurchased the borrowed shares). The 84.89 shares of DVA were repurchased for $76.83, significantly lower than the over $100 per share less than eight weeks earlier. 

So, what changed? Why did FINQLAST close the position?

DVA stock's FINQ rank breakdown

In mid-October, Crowd wisdom improved modestly, while professional wisdom remained the same. However, the decision to repurchase shares of DVA was primarily in response to the substantial improvement in the fundamentals score, surging from 0 to 67.

Ultimately, the trade generated a return of over 24% during that short time frame. At the same time, the market returned less than 1%. 

Implementing short-selling in your investment strategy

For investors considering short-selling, risk management is crucial due to the potential for unlimited losses. Effective strategies include setting stop-loss orders to minimize losses and closely monitoring market trends and news that may affect stock prices.

With short selling, timing is critical; understanding market sentiment and technical indicators can help identify opportune moments to enter and exit positions. Comprehensive market analysis, including fundamental and technical analysis, is essential to locate overvalued names.

Of course, this demand is too onerous for most ordinary people with jobs and families. 

Fortunately, FINQLAST provides short-term opportunities without the stress, timing, and resources needed to do so independently. Not only that, by integrating FINQLAST into a diversified portfolio, you can leverage its power to hedge against market downturns, helping protect your assets.

Comparing FINQLAST to traditional short-selling approaches

By allocating a portion of your portfolio to a disciplined FINQLAST short-selling strategy, you can increase overall performance, improve peace of mind, and spend less time studying the market than manual analysis or traditional financial advice.

Done independently, short-selling is time-sensitive and requires expert-level knowledge of company fundamentals and technical analysis theory. 

It also requires committing to scouring media for news stories around potential opportunities. 

In short, the demand is enormous. That’s why some fund managers have huge teams dedicated solely to short strategies. 

With FINQLAST, you FINQ LESS. It’s seamless, intuitive, and user-friendly. FINQ does a large amount of the heavy lifting with the research for you.

Not only that, FINQLAST is transparent. Informed decision-making is a priority, and detailed histories and rationales are recorded. You can pick any trading day of the year for any stock on the S&P 500, and FINQLAST will show you how that name was assessed based on a myriad of pertinent data points. 

Think of FINQEDGE as the culmination of FINQ’s power, delivering the ultimate investment solution.

The future of short-selling with AI and data analytics

AI and big data are transforming short-selling strategies in numerous ways:

  • They provide more precise risk assessments.
  • They uncover underperforming stocks through pattern recognition.
  • They predict market trends more accurately.
  • They facilitate real-time decision-making and adaptability to market changes.
All these attributes provide short sellers with a competitive edge, and all of these attributes continue to be improved and enhanced as programs like FINQ evolve.

FINQ is dedicated to innovation in financial analysis, as is evident in the development of FINQ’s flagship tool, FINQEDGE.

FINQEDGE, like FINQLAST, continuously assesses stock prospects, reranking names daily. With FINQEDGE, however, you don’t just contain names suitable to short; you also receive the best names to purchase. 

Think of FINQEDGE as the culmination of FINQ’s power, delivering the ultimate investment solution. 

Using both ends of FINQ’s STOCKS-AI analysis, users receive a daily list of the best-buying stocks and best-selling names in a user-friendly dashboard.


Short-selling, often misunderstood and shrouded in controversy, is a strategic investment tool that offers unique advantages for investors. It plays a critical role in maintaining market liquidity, aiding price discovery, and offering lucrative profit avenues in falling markets. 

Short-selling can give investors high potential returns and an effective hedging tool despite risk.

FINQLAST, a standout innovation by FINQ, takes short-selling to the next level through advanced AI to identify prime short-selling opportunities among S&P 500 stocks. It simplifies the typically complex and risky strategy, offering a data-driven approach that has outperformed traditional methods.

As markets evolve, technologies like AI and big data are set to transform short-selling strategies even further, making tools like FINQLAST and FINQEDGE invaluable for investors. 

Curious to learn more? Why not explore FINQ for yourself? See how this intuitive yet powerful platform can solve your investment needs. 

With FINQ, you can navigate market volatility more confidently, make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis, and optimize your investment strategies for better returns, all while effectively managing risk.

Jesse Oberoi is a freelance writer with over 15 years of experience in the finance industry. He predominantly writes about macroeconomic topics for fund managers, banks, and newspapers. Before freelance writing, he worked as a Client Portfolio Trader for high-net-worth clients and later as a Portfolio Operations Manager, frequently overseeing tactical asset allocation calls exceeding $1 billion. Jesse was also a Product Manager responsible for a $4 billion suite of flagship multi-asset class funds. Jesse has held the CFA charter since 2017.